The ‘Vibrant Tapestry’ of’s Culture Cultivates Community and Collaboration Across Time Zones

When it comes to upholding a global culture, the work management software company relies on in-person interactions, powerful tools and a universal desire to explore the world.

Written by Olivia McClure
Published on Jun. 28, 2024
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When using tapestry as a metaphor, the emphasis is usually on colors and patterns. But without a tight-knit weave, those colors and patterns fall apart. 

Unifying the threads to make the fabric is the real challenge; a challenge that has risen to meet.

The work management software company employs team members across several countries, including Brazil. That’s where Head of Marketing LATAM Alessandra Cosme has mastered the nuances of virtual collaboration and relationship building, which she fosters among her team members in Israel, the United Kingdom and Australia. 

Cosme shared that, as she has found ways to manage disparities in communication styles and working habits, she has simultaneously experienced the power of difference firsthand. 

“Our international culture is a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse backgrounds and perspectives,” she said. “With team members hailing from around the globe, we embrace and celebrate the richness of our differences.”


“Our international culture is a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.” 


Everyone has the chance to help weave together this cultural tapestry, regardless of where they live. For Talent Acquisition Partner Selam Ghebre Kiristos, who works out of the company’s London office, building bonds in person with her colleagues through mini offsites and team gatherings has defined her time at so far, making her feel as though there’s little distance between herself and her peers in Israel.

“Even though my whole team is not with me, I really feel as if they were,” she said. 

For its team,’s tight-knit international culture isn’t just an added bonus to an already illustrious work experience; it’s a life-changing immersion into the beauty of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. 


Three team members sit on upholstered chairs with laptops, talking


Unity in Action

Virtual happy hours and similar interactions can certainly help create cohesion across time zones. But recognizes that in-person connections are much more powerful, and the company offers a variety of different opportunities for its employees to connect — whether through company offsites, localized team-building events or traveling to meet with teams across the globe. 

For example, two years ago, Enterprise Customer Success Manager Christina Richardson had the opportunity to run a workshop out of both the NYC and Tel Aviv offices, where she had an experience she considered “extremely impactful.” 

“People were engaged, I was asked a lot of questions, and I received great feedback that I don’t think I would have had otherwise,” Richardson said. “I was also able to build in-person relationships and trust with my international teammates.”

In another example, Richardson took advantage of an opportunity to support emergency operations across Argentina. She volunteered with the company’s Emergency Response Team, which took her from her home in Denver to support the Red Cross in Buenos Aires, where she helped put together an efficient process for managing supply-chain logistics for various emergency operations throughout the country.

“I, along with other employees from across the globe, came together to create an optimized technological solution,” Richardson recalled. 

While mitigating global issues has little to do with being an enterprise customer success manager, she sees significant value in this opportunity, as it has made her feel connected to her colleagues — and the world. 

“On a larger scale, I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of unity with’s response to international crises,” Richardson said. “These programs are consistent globally, ensuring all team members — including those in São Paulo, Brazil, Latin America and around the world — feel a sense of belonging and connection.”

Of course, building friendships remotely is still important, which is why strives to build a sense of community within its individual offices. Kiristos shared that employee resource groups, such as its Pride ERG, make it easier for team members to connect on a local level, while the company’s internal podcast, Peeks Behind the Curtain, enables everyone to get to know their colleagues across the globe. 

“Through these collective efforts, we build unity and strength in our global community, driving innovation and progress,” Cosme said. 


The Keys to Cross-Continental Collaboration

According to Richardson, a strong tech stack is critical for effective cross-continental collaboration. She said her team frequently leverages a variety of tools, including Zoom, Loom and, of course,, to stay on top of collaborative projects, share knowledge and ask questions. Cosme added that she and her peers also ensure they use shared calendars to accommodate different time zones when scheduling meetings and strive to exchange feedback regularly to drive clear, consistent communication. “These systems and practices are essential for empowering our team and maintaining productivity across different regions,” she said. 


Breaking Down Barriers

Because relies on cultural diversity to uphold its culture, maintaining that diversity and connection takes intentional effort and thoughtful planning. 

After all, with employees speaking several different languages, what happens to collaboration? According to Kiristos, she and her teammates have navigated language barriers and differing communication styles by embracing the right practices. 

One such practice is that of transparent dialogue, which Cosme has also fostered on her own team. She shared that, by taking time to understand each other’s communication preferences, she and her peers have been able to adapt their working styles to suit others’ needs. 

“This often involves patience, empathy and a willingness to learn from one another,” Cosme said. “Through mutual understanding and respect, we can bridge cultural gaps and create a more fluid and harmonious working environment.” 

With the right guidelines in place,’s team members can build a truly unified global culture grounded in a desire to learn about and celebrate others’ unique life experiences; an opportunity Cosme considers a dream come true. Since her teenage years, she has possessed a desire to understand the world, whether that’s through traveling or making friends across the globe; and now, she gets to bring this passion to her work life as well. 

“For me, it’s not just about learning new things; it’s about broadening my way of thinking and expanding my ideas,” Cosme said. 


“For me, it’s not just about learning new things; it’s about broadening my way of thinking and expanding my ideas.” 


From their first day on the job and onward, employees have endless chances to discover more about the world around them. It’s a cultural experience so palpable, Richardson shared, that it made her feel as though she had joined a close-knit community, even at the height of the pandemic. Now, years later, this sense of fellowship remains. 

“I felt extremely connected, appreciated and proud to be a part of this organization,” Richardson said. 



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by